Saturday, June 12, 2010


so, i am back.
i have a second to breathe. (or breath...i always mix it up)

life is in such a just goes by so fast doesnt it? everyone tells me that it just gets faster, so enjoy what i have now....

short update for the past few weeks....
I have been working at the physical therapy clinic for about 3-4 weeks now. friday was my last day actually. working there at times was hard, just b/c im not a person who likes to stay in the same place for such a longer period of time, but i couldnt have asked for better people to work with.
people are so sweet, and i love the fact that i havent met anyone who has ruined my faith in the goodness of people. i still believe that people want to see other people succeed and i still believe that people want to help others and i still believe that deep inside everyone is a big heart that is ready to love.
working at the clinic helped me to see it even more.
i got pretty close to some of the patients there and i hate to? face the truth that i probably will never, as in for real, never see those people again.
here are some people who i really enjoyed getting to know and work with, and who will forever live in my memory.

sheila- the first person i got the work with directly. she has such a loving heart. she works for the fwisd as a hall monitor, and her ankle trying to get tissue for someone else. she loves her grandbaby girl who she bragged on all the time. she would tell me about her bathroom, how she was going to paint it purple b/c she was just tired of looking at the palm trees that were there now... she never complained even though we put her through alot, alot alot. she never once said "this is too hard" or "i cant do this"....when giving her a new challenging, it was simply "ooohhh ashley. lord help me"

betty- sweet sweet old lady. always came in with her husband. i pray that when i get married, and i grow old with my guy, we can be like this couple. he would come in to keep the timer for her and make sure she was doing everything right. they would talk back and forth and he would make jokes...very sweet couple. i admire them so much.

kelsey- one of the first young people i worked with. i dont know why but we just made a connection. she was sweet. about ajunior in high school. sooo excited b/c she made some sort of cheerleading squad but it wasnt a cheerleading squad, b/c she hated cheerleaders. in this group you got to act stupid at the football games. we never really got into very deep conversations, but i could tell that she had a relationship with christ in just how she acted. i will miss her.

maria- maria was very special to me. she didnt speak any english. but it was no matter to her. she would talk to me and tell me a complete story, and i would listen, look at her and smile. she knew i couldnt understand a word she was saying, but she would tell me anyways. she brought pictures of her children, (even though she was a grandma herself) to show off. she had such a sweet spirit that transcended language. we were friends, friends who could barely even speak to each other.

im done at the physical therapy clinic now, and heading to another place. i hope that the next place goes as well as this one. i am excited for the next place, getting to see surgery and all. i just hope that i am able to keep up.

i go to philly in the next two weeks. i am really nervous and excited, but still nervous. nervous about the presentation, excited b/c ill be in philly and ill be the only student and ill be getting to meet sooo many new people. nervosly excited.

until next time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, my summer has begun.
begun as in, i am done with the school semester and have started working on my clinical rotations.

so far so good...its only been two days, but its been good! i really like it. its challenging and makes me think, puts me to work, but i like it.
i am getting good experience working with populations outside of athletes, which is a big change.

today i did a IT band foam roller massage for this sweet little hispanic women. by the look on her face throughout the 15 min massage, i didnt think she liked me. these massages are not comfortable for people who dont have any tightness or pathology, let alone someone who does. this massage was about 1/4 the intensity of what i would do to one of my athletes.
she didnt speak english, but i could read her face. she didnt like it. after though, she thank me. and then she thanked me again. i couldn't speak to her, but for some reason her being so grateful towards me after spending 15 mins in pain that i inflicted touched me. i love this part of what i do.

but yeah, so two days down of my four weeks at this clinic. summer is going to go by so fast.
im just glad i get to spend most of it with my guy,...if he would just hurry up and win regionals and get back to ft worth!!

i dont have to be at the clinic super early tomorrow, so if i head to bed now, ill get excess sleep, which is awesome!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Have you ever wondered what other people truely thought about you? If they know the actual you, or if they just have their own ideas about who are? Have you ever wondered what sort of influence  you actaully make on people?

I wonder this alot. In fact, this has been laid on my heart pretyt heavily here lately. I wonder if the way that I live, and the way that I portray myself truely reflect who I am. Do I show my love for Christ enough? Could someone who "sorta" knew me be able to tell that I was a Christian? I wonder if people think of Christ when they see me and how I live my life, or if they just see me as the "sweet, innocent girl."

I know this has alot to do with the way I handle oppurtunities to explain why I do things the way I do. I won't try to trick you or myself, I have had several oppurtunities that I have scared myself out of taking. I don't know why I do that. I know that God gives them to me to spread His name, and that the words that I speak come from Him, but sometimes I cant shake my worldy nature.

My goal, and I'm even tempted to say calling, is to be a influence. I love working with children, teenagers, and just people who are younger than me. In high school, my favorite memories were the ones in which I was in the situation to help someone younger than me, to "mentor." I dont know why, but I'm not a fan of the word mentor. I want to me someone a person can come to for help. I want to be a friend. I want to influence the life of someone positively. I want to show the love of Christ with my actions and my love.
This is why I love athletic training. I feel like I will be able to do this the rest of my life; influence the lives of the athletes I work with.

But I still wonder, what about the people my age? What about my teammates? I guess the question is do I show Christ's love enough?  I have it, and I want to share it, but do I enough that people can see it?

Christ, I recognize the oppurtunites you give me and I pray that you would make me take them. I pray that my life would scream your name, through words, actions and love.

Friday, April 23, 2010

it's not me

I knew it would happen. It was only a matter of time...
I knew I would neglect this blog...

It happens alot though in life...People get busy, focused on things that pertain to them, and begin to neglect even the most pivotal things in life.
I think this happens to me every semester. I get sooo caught up in school, grades, softball, grades, school, that I forget my family, my boyfriend, and even my God.

Over and over again through the past few weeks, the same things has been placed on my heart... the theme of this blog; Soli Deo Gloria. Softball has been going so great this year, and there are alot of factors that play into why. But aside from it all, the true reason is Christ. without His gift of talent in which he has given each girl on the team, we wouldn't win. If He didn't give our coaches the personality, drive, and passion that He did, we wouldn't win.
But even outside of softball, this notion of giving God glory has been laid on my heart. College is hard. Its harder for some than others. I do alot, I have alot of responsibilites, and I always seem to get things done. I could try to say that the reason behind it is my "awesome" time mangement skills, or my "smarts," but in all honesty, its not me, it's Christ.
He is with me. He helps me get through the tough times. He keeps me calm through the stressful times. He has blessed me with an awesome support group, an awesome family, an awesome boyfriend, and an awesome team. He has given me the skills and talents to be able to do all that I do. Lord knows that its not me that makes it all possible. I am certain that if it were left to me, I would have either quit softball or have a very poor GPA.

But, even with all this understanding that all that I am is because of gifts from God, and all that I do is because of his blessing, I still forget about him. I still get caught up in trying to make the grade, play outstanding; I still get caught up in trying to be everything, the best in everything. Let me speak from experience, this is the most exhausting thing to try to do on your own. It leaves you tired, beat down, alone and feeling worthless. It's impossible. It just can not be done. ALONE. It cannot not be done alone.

With Christ, it can be done. With Christ we can face our biggest challenges with confidence.
One of my favorite things about Christ is that no matter what, He loves me. To Him, it doesn't matter if I give up a walk off grand slam in the conference championship game. To Him, I am precious. I am loved. What great joy is it to know that even if you fail in all of your wordly responsibilties, at the end of the day you can rest in the fact that Christ loves you. What comfort and confidence this brings me.
It doesn't matter if the rest of the world hates me, I am loved by the creator and ruler of the universe.

All that I do is because of Christ.
All that I am is becauuse of Christ.
All that I accomplished is because of Christ.
He loves me. I love Him.
He deserves the glory and praise, because this life is not my own. what I do is not for me, but to, in some way, bring honor back to Christ and to show his love.

Thank you Lord for the success that you have given my team. I pray that through it we bring you glory and honor. May your name be lifted by my performances. May your loved be showed through my actions.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dairy Queen

So it's been a rough go for the baseball team here lately...
What better way to console ourselves (yes i am included) than to hit up the closest dairy queen and binge out on ice cream.
It was pretty good...except it was at about its almost an hour past my bedtime and im still wired.

I think I have lost my creativeness (not that i really had any) to blog. I open a new page and feel like i have soemthing to say, but i really dont. let's go down the list of all of today's events...

-took me thiry mins to get out of bed this morning - had class at 8, alarm went off at 7, didnt get out of bed till almost 7:35...but still made it to class before the teacher!
- got my gen med reviews, had an "awesome" / awkward discussion with the two most important people in my program
- next class was cancelled, so i went to the library and studied for about an hour
- next class was held in the pool, going over aquatic rehab [it was pretty cool, but it was cold, and im not a fan of water really]
- went and ate lunch in the cafe with some new friends
- played a quick game of ping pong
- took a quick shower
- got ready and went to the atr
- took athletes blood pressure for a good two hours at physicals
- talked to some dr's
- ate some pizza
- got back the my apt, wasted about half an hour and then started to study
- then got a message about going to dq
- took my pjs, which i already had on, off and got redressed
- went to dairy queen and ate some ice cream i shouldn't have
- came back to the school and hung out with ryan and some baseball friends
- came back to my apt and decided it was too late to work on anything
- wasted time on facebook and now listing everything that i did today on this blog.

yep. i did it. i wrote down everything i did today. i know its super interesting...

i am going to miss my friends that are graduating this year. when me and ryan hang out with his teammate/friends, i dont think we stop will definitly be weird when they are gone next semester...

well i guess i will stop my rambling and possibly try to go to bed...
we will see.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

lonely bones

So we got back from San Antonio today.
Ryan is in Hobbs, New Mexico. I have stuff I should be doing, but I'm not going to do it.

Sometimes I like nights like tonight, but other times I'm not such a great fan.
Tonight I'm not a fan.

We got back, and I ran to get a birthday present for a five year old. Pretty simple.
Then I came back, and "had nothing to do" (when in reality I have a list of things I need to be doing) but wasted time on the computer. I am becoming very proficient at wasting time these days. I call it "junioritis." I know I am almost done, and because of this I have a case of "pre-senioritis," also known as "junioritis."
Yep, thats right.

I think nights like tonight suck because I miss my family alot. I haven't been home in a really long time, and the future doesn't look promising. I am missing alot of what is happening in my brohter and sisters life and I can't do anything about that. I pray that they know that I love them so so so much and would do anything to be there supporting them if I could. I miss my brother and sister alot tonight.
These are older pictures, but I love both of them!
Ugh, I miss them so much right now!!

Someone else who I am missing something terrible tonight too. Here he is sporting his favorite outfit. The one that makes him be away all the time! At least he looks good in it! :) Wish he were here tonight.

I guess I don't really have much to say right now. Just got some loneliness in me tonight. Nothing that won't pass and be dismissed when I finally get to go home again. and when Ryan finally comes home. Looking forward to that!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Deep Breath

Things are starting to get crazy over here.
School in general is wearing me out. Softball has been going great, and for the first time since I have been in college, I would rather just be playing ball than actually being in school. Weird, I know.

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I am getting ready to be done with school, or that we are doing so well in softball, or I am just fed up with ridiculous expectations that I haven't been prepared for.

What I get so frustrated about is when you are expected to know something that someone was supposed to teach you, but they didn't because they feel like education is a self taught deal. If I wanted to teach myself, I wouldn't be paying $20,000 a year. I could have bought a book and read it for waaaaaay cheaper than that.
Don't get me wrong, there are several, even numerous things that is so awesome about Wesleyan ATEP. Just this one thing makes it hard. I guess, though, its what seperates the good from the best. I want to be the best, so I put in the time....
I should just suck it up and read a book :)

In other news, we are currently in FIRST place in conference. We don't have it locked up for good just yet though. We play the two teams that could take it away from us within the next week. Big games. Call for big plays. Call for big hearts and lots of hard work. Luckily, my team has all of that. I'm so excited to see how everything will work out. It awesome to be on a winning team again.

gotta love the facials... :/